Monday, March 10, 2008

That famous calm, perhaps?

Well, today was Monday. Is there really a need to say more than that? That's neither fair nor accurate; shame on me. It really wasn't a bad day, if I'm going to be totally honest. Work was pretty good--a couple of real winners came through, but I, luckily, wasn't the one who had to deal with them. I got to spend some time with one of my friends, play with my dog in the sunshine and patiently await the arrival of my parents. My parents weren't supposed to get here until tomorrow, but decided to make the drive in one day instead. We'll see how the next couple of weeks unfold!!

Oh, I swiped another site from Sue's blog. It's a bunch of quotes people have overheard in new york. Some of them are pretty funny. It's amazing how dumb some people are, and I'm sorry, but I mean dumb. There are also some of questionable content and all the bad words are included. (just a warning to some)

Fortune cookie: Be mischievous and you shall not be lonesome.

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