Saturday, September 13, 2008

As random as I get....

Ever crave breakfast food right smack in the middle of the afternoon? I do, sometimes, and I am thrilled to discover that an IHOP is being built a mere 4.25 miles from my house!! YEA!!

Anyhoo, just back from a casual evening hanging out with one of my friends. We had a scrumptious dinner and then went to a local HS football game where her best friend's son was on one of the teams. After that we just hung out at her house.

OH, on the way to dinner, we drive past 3 gas stations with cars lined up at every pump!!! We finally figure out it's because of Ike pummeling the Gulf Coast and the lines being shut down for the storm. The worrisome bit, though, is that we stopped at one of them for some coffee after the game, and from what we heard it sounded like they were running low on gas--already!! I might have to get up early to fill my tank, seeing as how I'm at 1/4 tank from all my driving the last couple of days! It may not be a Prius, but thankfully my Corolla gets a sweet 37mpg!!! :-)

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