Friday, May 2, 2008

All Aligned

Today I finally got around to replacing my expired county sticker for my car...only two weeks late! While I am not as controlled by my OCD hangups the way "Monk" is, I do have my share of idiosyncrasies. One thing that drives me bonkers is the trunk lock cover on cars, you know the swivel kind that flips aside to reveal the lock? I get antsy when I'm driving behind a car where the cover is still flipped down or slighty askew. All I want to do is just r-e-a-c-h out and flip it back in place. My carrying on provides a certain degree of entertainment to any travel companions in the car with me.

This brings me back to my county sticker which is displayed right next to my inspection sticker. Let me start this anecdote by saying: I love Goo-Gone. When I had my car inspected last August, I had flashing thought that I wouldn't ever go back to this guy again. Now, he's been great to me, took care of the ongoing crises with my last car and so on. My problem was that the sticker was bubbled a little bit and some of the goo from the old one was still on my windshield. Because of the small separation between the two stickers, though, I couldn't really get to the goo to remove it without ruining my stickers. I have been looking forward to April and removing the county sticker just so that I could clean up the goo!!

So I clean up my windshield and get ready to apply my tidy new sticker. As I'm j-u-s-t about to apply the sticker...static works its magic and pulls the sticker to the windshield. DRAT!! And once these babies are on, there's no removing them intact. So for a whole year, I will be tormented daily by my crooked, mis-aligned sticker.

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