Saturday, November 1, 2008


Oh, Sue, what have you gotten me into??

Henry Ford said, "If you think you can, or can't, you're right."

Miss Sue has convinced (coerced?) me into signing up for the
Charlottesville Half Marathon in April. While I may have managed to run out 4 miles in September, I haven't run a step since! I am basically back to where I was before training for that--and for those who don't know, a half marathon is 13.1 miles!! So again I say, "EEKS!"

I have almost 6 months to train for this, and I'm trying to keep a positive mind set in thinking I can. I absolutely plan to take advantage of my parents 2+ month visit for the holidays, i.e puppy sitters! Working 10 hour days cut into my gym time, so this should give me the flexibility to go to the gym and take the new dance class I plan on signing up for (truthfully, I think my dance classes over the summer made a huge difference in my fitness).

While I had originally planned to tell as few people as possible (not even Mom and Dad!) for fear of making a fool of myself, I decided that this will help keep me accountable since I have no one to train with this time around. Now you all know and can get on my case if I become a slacker!!


Sue said...

You can do it!!!! Start by running two miles two times a week, and then three the next week, and then four the next see where I'm going with this.
Think of how proud you will be of yourself when you cross the finish line. :)

l'il ole me said...

It's your confident conviction that this is do-able that's got me going for it!!