Saturday, June 7, 2008

Shoot 'em up

Sheesh, what a week!

Today I participated in the Crime Stoppers Skeet/Trap Shoot. I had always thought that it looked like fun, and today I confirmed that it is! I am absolutely terrible, but at least I didn't miss them all! For those of you who know what "Five Stand" is, that was the format used. For those of you who don't, I'll do my best to explain.

There are 3 trap houses from which clays are released. One directly in front of you, one to the left and one to the right. The clays from the center go either straight up or up and away from you. The clays from the left are released going right, and the ones from the right....gotcha! One is the "rabbit" which runs along the ground and the other does, indeed, go out to the left. The five shooter positions arc away from the houses like the tip of a fan. At each position, or stand, you have an assigned combination of clays at which you shoot. Once everyone on your team of 5 has cycled through their 3 combos, you rotate stands and cycle through again. This continues until everyone has shot all 3 combos at all 5 stands. I'm sure there's an easier way to explain this, but it's new to me so I'm probably making it sound way more complicated than it is. Despite the 101 degrees and 97% humidity, I had a lot of fun!!

The cages you see are stands 2 & 3, and the green houses are 1 & 2.

This shows a bit of 5th stand and the 3rd house which releases the wascally wabbit!

The 5 Stands:

1) Trap, High 1 & High 2, Rabbit & Teal
2) High 2, Low & Trap, High 1 & Teal
3) Low, Teal & Trap, Rabbit & High 2
4) Teal, Low & High 1, Trap & High 2
5) High 1, Rabbit & Low, High 2 & Teal

House 1 (on shooters left) throws High 1 and High 2 (both got across to the right)
House 2 (center) throws Teal (straight up) and Trap (up and away)
House 3 (shooters right) throws Rabbit and Low (mid level, across)

When I got home I decided to go for a quick bike ride, seeing as how I was already gross and sweaty. I've only been able to ride my bike a few times thus far, which is a bummer. It's been raining (massive understatement) and then when it's not, it's been upper 90's with near 100% humidity. Not exactly weather in which I'm dying to ride in. But again, I had fun. I love my bike!!

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